Peak Pilates Teacher Training Courses
Step confidently on your journey as a Peak Pilates Classical instructor. Jamie will guide you and support you through this amazing experience.

Help fine tune your teaching techniques, guided by a certified master teacher. Our mentorship program will help you towards being the best teacher you can be. From Joe Pilates to Lolita, to Jamie, to you.

Study with Jamie in his beautiful Southern California studio. Complete CEC’s, observation hours and teaching hours for your comprehensive qualification, or take your practice deeper and learn more about classical Pilates. Contact for more details and start your Peak Pilates journey

Pilates Comprehensive Teacher Training
Complete your Peak Pilates comprehensive Pilates Level I teacher training with Jamie. This course is the foundational level of Pilates professional education which covers the mat, reformer, tower, chairs, barrels and auxiliary equipment.
Teacher Trainings
Next Course: Peak Pilates Comprehensive, Level 1 Module 1 – Fluid Life Pilates Studio, Vista, California
September 10-11
Reserve your space here.
Train to become a fully certified Peak Pilates Instructor. Start your Pilates instructor journey with a course that not only teaches you what to teach, but how to teach it.
As a Pilates Master Instructor, Jamie will also be receiving applications for his studio mentorship program as well as opportunities for training teachers from applicable schools to accumulate observation and teaching hours.
“I am super excited to share so many of the wonderful experiences I have been blessed with, and to ignite the passion for this incredible method with others interested in Pilates.”
The FluidLife Studio offers Peak Pilates® Mat Certification, and All levels of Peak Comprehensive Training . Our studio is a Peak Pilates Education Centre. The studio is located in a tranquil environment, ideal for focussed learning experiences.